Scientific publications

International Journals

  • Maravelakis E.; Giannioti G.; Psalti A.; Tsakoumaki M.; Pocobelli D. P.; Xinogalos M.; Galanakis D.; Bilalis N. and Stavroulakis G. (2023): “3D Modeling & Analysis Techniques for the Apollo Temple in Delphi”. In Buildings13, no. 7: 1730. DOI: 3390/buildings13071730.
  • Galanakis D.; Maravelakis E.; Pocobelli D. P.; Vidakis N.; Petousis M.; Konstantaras A. and Tsakoumaki M. (2023): “SVD-based point cloud 3D stone by stone segmentation for cultural heritage structural analysis – The case of the Apollo Temple at Delphi”. In Journal of Cultural Heritage61, pp. 177–187. DOI: 1016/j.culher.2023.04.005.
  • Athanasia Psalti, Marilena Tsakoumaki, Christina Mamaloukaki, Michael Xinogalos, Nikolaos Bolanakis, Christos Kavallaris, Andreas Polychronakis, Katerina Mania, and Emmanuel Maravelakis (2023). Advanced Digitization Methods for the 3D Visualization and Interpretation of Cultural Heritage: The Sphinx of the Naxians at Delphi. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Nature v.1889, pp55-64. 

Chapters in books

  • Galanakis D.; Pocobelli D. P.; Konstantaras A.; Mania K.; Maravelakis E. (2023): “Introduction to BIM for Heritage”. In Dimitrios Tzetzis, Panagiotis Kyratsis (Eds.): Computer-Aided Design: Advances in Research and Applications: Nova Science Publishers. DOI: 52305/IMIY7382.

International Conferences

  • Athanasia Psalti, Marilena Tsakoumaki, Christina Mamaloukaki, Michael Xinogalos, Nikolaos Bolanakis, Christos Kavallaris, Andreas Polychronakis, Katerina Mania and Emmanuel Maravelakis, “Advanced Digitization Methods for the 3D Visualization and Interpretation of Cultural Heritage: The Sphinx of the Naxians at Delphi”, 3rd International Conference TMM-CH Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Athens, 2023.
  • Emmanuel Maravelakis, Georgia Giannioti, Athanasia, Psalti, Marilena Tsakoumaki, Danae Phaedra Pocobelli, Michael Xinogalos, Demetris Galanakis, Nikolaos Bilalis, and Georgios Stavroulakis, 3d Modelling & Analysis Techniques for the Apollo Temple in Delphi”, 3rd International Conference TMM-CH Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Athens, 2023.
  • Galanakis, D.; Pocobelli D. P.; Konstantaras A.; Bolanakis N. and Maravelakis E. (2022): “Mesh segmentation for HBIM applications”. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference in Electronic Engineering, Information Technology & Education. ISSN: 2654-2099, ISBN: 978-618-84774-6-9.
  • Polychronakis A.; Koulieris G. A. and Mania K. (2021): “Emulating Foveated Path Tracing”. Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games. Virtual Event, Switzerland: Association for Computing Machinery, Article 10. DOI: 1145/3487983.3488295.
  • Mania K.; Psalti A.; Lala D. M.; Tsakoumaki M.; Polychronakis A.; Rempoulaki A.; Xinogalos M. and Maravelakis E. (2021): “Combining 3D Surveying with Archaeological Uncertainty: The Metopes of the Athenian Treasury at Delphi”. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems & Applications (IISA), pp. 1–4. DOI: 1109/IISA52424.2021.9555568
  • D. Galanakis, D.P. Pocobelli, A. Konstantaras, N. Bolanakis and E. Maravelakis, “Mesh segmentaion for HBIM applications”, 3rd International Conference in Electronic Engineering, Information Technology & Education (EEITE2022), Chania, 2022
  • Mania K.; McNamara A.; Polychronakis A. (2021): “Gaze-Aware Displays and Interaction”. In: ACM SIGGRAPH 2021 Courses. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery (SIGGRAPH ’21). DOI: 1145/3450508.3464606.

National Conferences